Desert Sky Healing and Astrology
Expand Your Awareness With The Galactic
These are fascinating times of Activation, Acceleration and Energy Upgrades. As we expand our consciousness old wounds and beliefs arise to be healed. As we heal these and unblock from years and lifetimes of old ideas of the egoic mind, we remember and become more aligned with our true nature.
I use both traditional Western and Galactic Astrology as well as my Intuitive guidance to help reveal your Starseed origins, challenges and gifts to expand awareness and understanding of our paths. I believe we are higher/multi-dimensional beings having a human experience informed by our ancient connections to other star systems such as the Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius and many others. The Galactic Astrology chart illuminates these ancient connections and their influence on our current lives. A Western Astrology chart is an accurate and inspiring map illuminating the soul’s path, career direction, gifts, weaknesses and lessons available for growth and healing in this life.
I also practice Energy Healing and Polarity Therapy with sound bowls and crystals to help clear the energy field of accumulated blockages and balance the body. These are modalities that I share with you for they have helped me immensely in my own journey of returning to the Source within.
Galactic/Intuitive Astrology And Soul Guidance
Having been certified as a Quantum Soul/Galactic Astrologer through Julia Balaz’s work, I offer Intuitive Guidance/Astrology readings which blend the traditional birth chart for this life with Galactic Astrology which is based on how the Fixed stars and entities in the Milky Way and beyond reflect our greater Soul’s origins and journey through the Cosmos.
The astrology chart is a reflection of the map of the sky when we take our first breath. I believe we choose the precise time to be born to learn lessons shown in the chart. The potentials and directions in the chart are affected by the changes in the positions of the planets and other celestial bodies which reflect the ancient Hermetic principle of “As above so below.” The Galactic Chart takes this further giving insight into our Galactic heritage. Here are things I can address during a reading:
Soul Origin/Starseed Lineage and Journey through the Cosmos
Soul Mission and Purpose in this Life
Star Beings/Soul Guides and Stargate Portals you have connections with
Strengths/Gifts and Karmic Challenges including Career and Relationship Dynamics
How the Fixed Stars and Celestial Bodies Influence current life
Ancient Past Life Connections
Transits - How the major outer planet current alignments are affecting the natal chart
60 Minute Galactic/Soul Reading - Sliding Scale (Choose rate based on your finances) $135 to $175 Zoom or In Person
90 Minute Reading: $185 to $235
60 Minute Traditional Astrology- Sliding Scale: $135 to $175/ 90 Minute Reading: $185 to $235
Polarity and Energy Healing
Polarity is a form of energetic bodywork that balances and aligns the energy fields in and around the body to revitalize the life force. It is a gentle, non-invasive therapy which helps to clear energetic blocks, the chakras and the aura. This improves the flow of energy throughout the body creating an overall sense of health and well-being. Although Polarity draws heavily from Ayurvedic, traditional Chinese medicine and Hermetic principles its founder, Dr Randolph Stone, created an original synthesis of many healing disciplines.
Sound (toning and crystal bowls) and quartz crystals are incorporated into a session as well as messages and visuals received directly from Spirit to help clients integrate insights and connect to their own higher wisdom. Sessions can be in person or offered as distance healing.
60 minute Polarity/Energy Session - $80
Schedule below for Distance Session
In Person session - Please email me at sudele12@gmail.com for dates and times